Posted in My Desk, Notebooks, Quotes, Midlife thoughts

What’s On My Desk #7

What’s On My Desk #7:

Here we are in the month of April, in the year of 2024. This means that I have been writing online for 8 years now. Most of my writing has been on DonnaAlfordShortStories.

In those eight years, I have gathered several resources and life experiences have caused me to go silent more than once. It is due to the resources that What’s On My Desk is so important.

What’s On My Desk this April 2024 is my blog binder and blog content planner binder and blog desktop notebook. They are going to be updated with the latest resources and going to purge anything that does not apply to my needs any longer.

“Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple, but significant.”
— Maria Defillo

Blog Binder:

My blog binder has a current “Table of contents” that reads as follows:

Section 1:

Mission Statement:

  • Vision statement
  • 10 Posts A Day. Every day!!
  • Notes on how my blog dates went and what I accomplished.

2019 Blog Posts

Updated Blog Posts From The Beginning of Blogging

Section 2:

  • 2019 Newsletters Begin
  • 2019 Printable Begin

Binder ideas/organization

Bullet Journal Ideas

Section 3:

Section 3.1 Tips That worked towards a successful blog

Section 3.2 The way I implemented the tips in my blog

Section 3.3 Blog Planner

  • Subsection 3.3a Goals and Success
  • Subsection 3.3b Monthly Status and Social Media Information
  • Subsection 3.3c List of new sites or tools to implement in the future

Stay Tune:

Stay Tune for more about the Blog Binder in What’s On My Desk #8.

What’s On My Desk #9 and #10 will cover the Blog Desktop Notebook.

The Blog Content Planner Binder to be covered in What’s On My Desk #11 & #12.

Posted in Christmas, New Year, Quotes

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – Sending Warm Wishes Your Way!

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – Sending Warm Wishes Your Way!

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas-Sending Warm Wishes Your Way! My friends I hope this post brings blessings. Remember if you are new here you can Start Here.

Here we are 20 days from a brand new year! Are you ready?

I believe I am ready for a brand-new year and a big change in my life! With a big change in my life, I am working on an opportunity to move and start a fresh life before I reach sixty years old. More about that in 2024!

What’s On My Desk the two weeks Before Christmas?

To the left of my keyboard is a tiny stack of mail, because it is time to pay taxes…ugh…lol. To the right of my keyboard is my brand new planner and my mouse sits on top of the planner. Another important thing on the first shelf of my desk sits two jars. One is labeled My New Year 2023 and the other is labeled 2023 Prayers. All year long I use tiny Post-its to jot down a blessing for the first jar or a prayer for the second jar and the last week of the year, I review the blessings and prayers, then create new jars for the new year ahead. I have done this for myself for eight years now and usually still am surprised at how the year was blessed or answered!

My new planner has a cow on the front and back cover along with the summer flower patch that the cow is grazing in, with the word Planner, and then underneath it reads Work-Home-Play. A green, blue, and pink ribbon divides the three sections. I like the way this planner is set up, more about the planner in future posts.

Traveling during 2023:

Traveling during 2023 still kept me in my home state, but Missouri has a lot to offer if you need to take time to stay close to home. Two of the places I visited helped me improve my health and impress my lung doctor!

I visited my state capital, it was a beautiful sunny warm day. The whole family went, and my grandson was able to play chess with a stranger and lost by one move. The chess pieces were as tall as my knee and I am a little over five feet tall. It was an outdoor chess board. We also did a scavenger hunt through the four floors of the capital. Yes, the Missouri government was on vacation.

In 2024 we already have plans to visit several friends that live in the States I have never visited yet. This is part of a plan to make a big change in my brand-new life.


Yes, podcast, the first podcast before I got sick was very exciting! Earlier in 2023 I thought I would recreate it but after a few posts, life got in the way. In 2024 I planned to actually change the way I allow people to interrupt my plans and I plan on having a few guests as 2024 becomes successful!

2023 Summary:

This sums up most of my 2023. I also wrote a Summary post on my website. Link below:

May Your Holidays Be Merry and Your New Year Be Bright!

Share your end of the year, posts in the comments here or on the website, and each Sunday I will visit and comment on at least three blog posts.

Posted in Midlife thoughts, My Desk, Quotes

What’s On My Desk #6

What’s On My Desk:

Happy Sunday! How are you, dear friends?

Friends, I hope this post finds you happy and healthy. Today I will share what’s on my desk and mind.

What’s on my mind:

As a former culinary student and a long-time home chef, I got thinking about the food trends for 2023. I began that research and shared Food Trends and Thoughts 2023 on my website. Yes, this is important because this is a resource on my desk.

Photo by Yente Van Eynde on

Another thing on my mind is my bedroom. It is time for me to make changes. Yes, that is important to what is on my desk due to the youtube videos and books I have used for resources.

Maya Angelo says ” We need much less then we think we need.

This quote is more valid than ever now that I think about the near-death experience in my life. I laid in the hospital for those two in a half months and promised myself that if I survived the next step would be to wake up every day with new beginnings and less stress.

I have for a year now, awakened every day with positivity and happiness, except for the stress of the clutter from my past mixed with my future plans. I have begun two new journeys in my life and I am working on a blog series at the moment.

What’s on My Desk:

What’s on my desk and on my planner for the week of May 21st to May 27th, 2023? On my desk are my planners and sketchpad.

My planner shows a very busy week ahead my friends. One of my new journeys is that I returned to being an Independent Avon Representative! Woo hoo, this is something I enjoyed years ago and it was taken away from me by a controlling person.

That is one reason I now live by the quote below.

A dead battery quote

Dead batteries can be spouses, co-workers, and even family members. Life is short my friends. God has 25 warnings about bad and evil wives.

He gives 28 warnings about abusive husbands. I am aware you only have to be around that co-worker for a few hours, but that dead battery will be there again in the morning. Family members, well you need to figure out just how much stress you need in your life.

Back to my busy week, which includes ending one campaign and starting another one. It also includes helping my adult son finish taking care of a costly mistake and of course Library work.

What Else is on My Desk

What else is on my desk, my sketches of changing my bedroom around and all of the notes from a couple hours of YouTube videos. There is a ton of ideas out there so I only note the things I am inspired by and being a creative single woman, I no longer have to look at dull colors but have never been able to be surrounded by flower prints either.

Also, a book is on my desk called, “Healing Crystals” by Karen Ryan. This is on my desk as a resource for very special guests coming to the podcast in July 2023.

Review for future posts and podcasts:

Photo by George Milton on
  • More 2023 food trends
  • My bedroom changes and new journey of minimalism
  • Avon Business and avoiding dead batteries
  • Future podcast guest and healing crystals


In conclusion, friends I hope you have a very blessed week and come back often. Please share tips and ideas in the comments.

Posted in Midlife thoughts, My Desk, Quotes

What’s on My Desk#4

What’s on My Desk:

What’s on My Desk this chilly Sunday evening? More natural light shines near my desk now. Last week I moved the desk closer to the window!

Let me explain, my daughter moved in with me during my recovery from covid. Read more here Seventeen Months Of Silence. Now my desk is located in my bedroom. She is expected to move back out this summer, but we all know how that goes with adult children. lol

Dave Ramsey Quote
lady working on budget

Also, this Sunday the budget is opened up on my desk, we are already heading toward a new month, and summer vacation time is just a month away for my grandson. That means summer traveling.

As Dave Ramsey says, “Discipline today leads to options tomorrow.”

Another thing new is a gift from my financial advisor. It is the book, called Boundaries. This is an amazing book! There is actually a series so I will be visiting the library to save money.

A book titled Boundaries.

What is new in your world?

Leave a comment below with new books, posts that I can read, or summertime travel ideas.

Come back soon!

Posted in Midlife thoughts, Quotes, shortstories, widow

Lessons of Life

Lessons of Life

“Cowgirls don’t Cry, Lessons in Life are gonna show you in time” are words from Reba McEntires’s song.

 Those are some strong words to swallow, but “life lessons show you things in time. I am almost entering my third chapter of life. Read more hereMidlife and the Third Chapter of Life.

  I have experienced more than some and less than others.

 I took on the Role of an adult at the age of 12 after my mom had a tragic operation on her brain, and my father and I taught her how to walk, write her name and survive all over again. 

“The strongest woman I knew had to lean on her daughter and other children when Dad was out enjoying his alcohol. You see and hear things you never want to see and hear again, so you put on a good face and toughing up your heart.”

Then a man enters the picture, and at the young age of just seventeen, you become a wife, and just six short years later, you teach two little children how to live and survive. 

“This man works hard and enjoys life outside of the four walls. Again you see and hear things you never want to see and hear, so you put on a good face and toughing up that heart a little more.”

Now that man has passed away. 

Read more about this man at Silence And The Man In The Chair.

She has watched her mom, grandmother, and other women say goodbye to men who also taught her hard life lessons. 

Read more about the widows in this post, Four Widows In My Lifetime.

Now, she chooses to put on a good face and become a survivor.

” LIFE LESSONS HAVE TAUGHT HER SO WELL. ” words from Reba McEntire’s song

Listen to the full song below:

Posted in Midlife, Midlife thoughts

Midlife, The Third Chapter of Life Part III

Midlife, The Third Chapter of Life Part III:


Remember, Midlife is the central period of a person’s life, spanning from age 40 to age 65. It can be a stressful time, as many people come to feel discontented and restless as they struggle with aging, mortality, and holding onto a sense of purpose.

In Midlife, The Third Chapter of Life Part III, we will be digging deeper into the aspects of feeling discontented and restless while struggling with aging, mortality, and holding onto a sense of purpose.

  • discontented
  • restless while struggling with
  • aging
  • mortality
  • sense of purpose


Discontented- dissatisfied, especially with ones circumstances.

This discontentment can show it’s ugly side at different times and during different situations in midlife. I often sit and wonder is it an event that triggers our dissatisfaction, or certain words that someone spoke to us at an unexpected time in life?

For example, second and third marriages, did you jump in to it because of the fear of being alone?

Did you set some goals or boundaries so the next one worked better or are you reliving what made you escape in the first place?

These questions crossed my mind when a woman at work said you are still young, will you date again someday or cut everyone off? I truly did not have a clear answer for her.

As I reflected on my day later on, I thought about the questions I would want answered before I attempt to give this heart away again.

My midlife discontentment showed itself after the last words my mother spoke to me were, “you need to start living, you have taken care of everyone for to many years.” I thought about her words days after Her Journey Was Complete.


Restless while struggling with aging, mortality, and holding onto a sense of purpose, is the next have of midlife description. As I said her words stayed with me for days. Especially after living out the words in the verse below, I knew setting boundaries were the best way to face the possibility of sharing my heart again.

She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream, and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice, and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't

Speaking about a parents death, especially a father’s death. For most of us that is the person we counted on for advice or to fix a situation. I believe that is when we struggle with aging and mortality and possibly a form of depression we never thought lived inside of us. I speak from experience, although I am a naturally quiet person, I am also a optimistic person.

The type of depression I am referring to is suicidal thoughts, no I did not have the guts to take my life, but coming home on the highway every night for months after my father’s death, I would wish someone came across the media.

I did of course seek help with counseling and can still proudly say at age fifty-four I do not need prescriptions to make life happy and positive.

There are some interesting articles about the death of a father and the effects on adult children…

On the Death of My Father… mentions that there are Four ways a men deals with his father’s death. If one of these four ways is a part of your story maybe someone special to you would like to hear the story?

In the article titled… The Death of a Parent Affects Even Grown Children Psychologically and Physically it mentions that “Husbands can best support their wives by listening,” Manly says. “Men often feel helpless in the face of their wives’ emotions, and they want to fix the situation. A husband can do far more good by sitting with his wife, listening to her, holding her hand, taking her for walks, and — if she desires — visiting the burial site.”

Holding onto a sense of purpose:

How are you doing with holding onto your sense of purpose?

Have you figured out what is keeping you from the sense of purpose?

I believe this is why I have adopted the quote… “a dead battery can not jump another dead battery” as my life motto for 2021.

As I begin to keep my promise to mom, as I head towards my Third Chapter of Life… I realize I can do without negativity and silence and people using the words ” can’t be done” when I need a sense of inspiration and encouragement.


They have labeled midlife as the central period of a person’s life, spanning from age 40 to age 65. It can be a stressful time, as many people come to feel discontented and restless as they struggle with aging, mortality, and holding onto a sense of purpose.

We broke down each section and shared life experiences. Now it is your turn, comment below the following…

When did your discontentment show itself?

Men do you agree that there are only four ways a man deals with his father’s death?

Ladies have you experienced a husband listening about the loss?

Next time:

Join me next time for part four of Midlife, The Third Chapter of Life